I started this tiny little blog a year ago as a way to track my training for my first (post-kids) half marathon. At first it was private. It was mainly a way to journal my training and my general running thoughts in a way that I could come back to as time went on. As I started reading (and gaining massive amounts of inspiration from) other running blogs I decided to come out of hiding and share my own running thoughts with the interwebs.
It is still very much a work in progress. I am loving sharing my journey even if nobody even reads my posts.
I'm not the fastest runner. Nor is my weekly mileage about to break any records. But I love running and I love this virtual running community I have found through other running blogs.
That's why I was pretty excited that Jina over at
Behold the Turtle nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger award!
Here are the rules:
1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and post it in your post.
2. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
3. Tell all of us seven things about yourself.
4. Nominate seven other bloggers and comment on their page to let them know.
I am going to take this chance to shake some things up around here share seven non-running related things all about me!
1. I love to ski but haven't been since before I became pregnant with my oldest child. Having married a man from New England and moving to Boston after college it was inevitable that I would have to learn how to do it. Brent was a great teacher and I picked it up pretty fast. We went almost every weekend for a few years until I found out I was pregnant. Now that we have moved to North Carolina, we rarely get the chance to go anymore and I miss it.
My happy place |
2. Inside of me is an inner hippie just dying to get out. Some days I long to move to a self sustaining farm and live off the land. I will make all of our food from scratch and can our summer harvest. I will spend my free time bare foot and playing guitar.
I used to take guitar lessons. I was *really* bad. |
3. I think cake should be its own food group. Cakes and cupcakes will always be an acceptable form of nourishment.
It is a proven scientific fact that love for baked goods is indeed genetic. |
4. We relocated from New England to North Carolina in 2008 and I still don't feel like I have found my niche here. If given the chance I would move to Colorado in a heartbeat. Brent and I love the outdoor lifestyle and would love to be able to play in the Western mountains any time we want. Trail running, hiking, skiing, snow shoeing. If Colorado weren't an option, Vermont is a close runner-up.
I big fat heart Vermont. |
5. For the past 2 weeks I have cheered on Team USA with heartfelt vigor, but there are two facts about me that are very much un-American....1) I have never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (they completely gross me out) and 2) I have never been to Disney World and I have no desire to go (*gasp!*).
6. I wish I had enough guts to dye my hair purple.
7. I am an extremely forgetful person. I have a notebook that goes with me almost everywhere to help me not only keep organized to remember things. Case in point: I forgot that I was in the middle of boiling water for pasta while I was writing this post. Ooops!
Here are my seven nominees!
Life Imperfectly
Journey of a Canuck Mom on the Run
Prior Fat Girl
Run, Bang, Run
One Run at a Time
The Wannabe Athlete
Am I There Yet?
That was a fun little exercise! Thanks, Jina for helping me to come out of my blogging shell a little. In the meantime, I have to go set another pot to boil....