Tuesday, September 20, 2011

12 Miler Down

26 days to go!

This morning, my long run called for 11 miles. For some reason, I really did not like the sound of that. I chose to up it to 12. Why? I have no rational reason for it. I just felt like running 12 miles instead of 11. I can not believe that. I felt like adding another mile to an already really long run. Badass.

Starting from the Durham Bulls Ball Park, I headed down towards Woodcroft. I wanted to make it a little past the 6 mile marker so that I would have about a quarter mile to cool down at the end of the run. It turns out the mile 6 marker was down past Woodcroft Parkway and into the section of the trail that I diligently ran back and forth on a little more than a year ago when I just started running doing my Couch to 5K program. I remember struggling through that particular section of the trail so vividly. Make it to the first bench. Next week, make it to the second bench. Next Dunhill Dr. Now here I was this morning in the same section of the trail only now instead of struggling to complete 2 miles, it is now the turn around point for a 12 mile run. It was a great realization and a pretty powerful motivator at that point of the run.

Overall though, this run was pretty rough for me. The first three miles were particularly hard. It felt hard to get moving. My legs felt tight. I stopped at 3 miles to take in some Gu, which was a little earlier than I had planned, but listening to my body, it was just the right thing to do. It seemed to help as miles 3-6 weren't too bad. I stopped at 6 miles to call Brent and let him know how I was doing since I knew he was pretty anxious to get to work this morning. Gu again at 8.5 miles. Again, a little earlier than planned but at a stop for an intersection I just had a feeling that my fuel tank was running low. Miles 9-10 were actually pretty good. The last two miles was just me looking out for every quarter mile spray painted on the trail. So there were a lot of stops in the run, mostly for intersections, which were welcomed and I ended up taking my time at. But the 12 mile run is logged and for that I am happy.

Two more long runs before the half. I am thinking that I would like to do 13 next week and then play the next long run by how I am feeling. I would like it to be anywhere from 12-14 miles.

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