Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New Goals

I am not ready for a 10k.

There - I said it.

I was (sort of) on track for it, but then there was a case of the flu and strep throat. I missed a long run there. Then Brent was away this last weekend and I missed that long run. I don't feel prepared.

Running is supposed to be fun for me. The 10k race being so close and being so unprepared for it was stressing me out. So I decided to hold off. I am ok with that.

So this morning I registered for 2 other local races. I have a PR goal for each one.

First is a 5k in 3 weeks. The goal is to run it faster than 33 minutes.

3.1 miles through some farm roads. Excited!

Second is the Running of the Bulls 8k on June 2. The goal is to beat my 8k time from last Thanksgiving.

Should be a fun race from my favorite running store.

So there it is. New attainable goals to get me through the next month or so.


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog last week. I agree, running should be fun! Some runs are tough, but overall should be fun. You have some great goals :)

  2. Stepping back and re-evaluating keeps running a happy place for you. I say good for you!
