Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yesterday was my 35th birthday!

I don't really know what to make of it. It sounds a little old in some respects. A little young in others. Sometimes I feel like I am 25. And I definitely have the sense of humor of a 13 year old. In the end it is just a number so I haven't really put that much thought into it.

I started the day off with a hot and sweaty 4 miler.

90% humidity = sweatastic run
I was a little rusty since I have not run a whole lot in the past week. There are a couple of reasons. One was Brent's crazy work schedule. He had a lot of early mornings which cut into my run time. It's just as well since I am dealing with what I think might be a touch of plantar fasciitis. I was in denial for a while, but after some intense research this weekend, I am pretty sure that is what is going on in my feet and calves. More on that in a later post because this is supposed to be a fun birthday post....

After my run and some intense stretching, icing and massaging Brent and I were able to escape  for a couple of hours to go to the movies. And then back home for my requested b-day dinner of Chinese take out and some good old Pennsylvania beer!

Always my favorite! (via)

All in all a super fun day. I am definitely looking forward to the year ahead!