Thursday, October 18, 2012

Three Things Thursday

I thought all day on how to make the title of this post more creative. No such luck

We are on day 2 of shifting work schedules around to accommodate a sick kiddo. Today was my day to go into work and figure out how to jam two days worth of work into one.

Anyhow, I've already mentioned that it is race week and my stomach is all aflutter with excitement and nerves. I've decided to take a more fun approach to my half this weekend and since then my emotions have been more Let's-Do-This and less I-Wanna-Throw-Up.

But thanks to my pre-race jitters, I am feeling a bit chatty, so here are a few (three to be exact) things about today.

1. My new favorite breakfast ever.

I am late to the greek yogurt party, but I've just discovered the Dannon Oikos honey flavored greek yogurt and I love love love it. I am mixing it with some honey oats. I have eaten this for breakfast every day for the past two weeks.

2. I spent some time last night mapping out my running plans for the Spring. I've picked out 2 half marathons and a 10 miler. I've decided to try the Hal Higdon's Intermediate training plan. Since I have built my base up this Fall, I am hoping to keep it up and use the Winter for working on speed. I am pretty excited about it. 

3. My house smells OMGSoGood right now. Hannah has resurrected from the living room floor, where she has been camped for two oh-so-pathetic days, and helped me make chocolate chip pumpkin muffins. I can not wait to try them! I tried a different recipe last week and they were terrible. I need to redeem myself.

What's your current favorite food obsession?

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